2,174 research outputs found

    Uncertainty in Spanish Organic Products: A Global Analysis from Consumer to Entrepreneurs

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    The organic market is a very particular one. Starting from the premise that organic products are confidence and credibility products which cannot be easily differentiated from the rest, we find that consumers face a risk when purchasing them. In Spain, the marketing chain does not follow the conventional stages in most of the cases, so there is always some uncertainty about how the products will be sold. In addition, the great majority of the Spanish organic production is marketed abroad. In this paper we show some of the results of an investigation project in this topic.Organic, risk, chain, producer, consumer, Agribusiness, Risk and Uncertainty,

    Challenge to SME to Survive in Food Dynamic Markets: Innovation and Efficient Networks

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    The EU food entrepreneurs are facing dramatic changes in the competition arena. Globalization and liberalization processes are offering cheaper food products in international markets, either from countries with better comparative advantages or with more efficient marketing strategies. At the same time, food markets are in a process of continuous segmentation and changes. Consumers are located in different niches, according to socio-demographic variables, cultures and traditions. Some of them respond to price changes while others are more concerned with quality control and food safety. It is on this segment where typical products, traceability and denominations of origin have significant values. SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) have to survive on this competitive scenario using several strategies: focusing their attention on specific consumer segments (aged people, gourmets or ethnic groups), products (typical, denomination of origin) or with more personal attention. Their flexibility to adapt the production process should compensate the lack of economic and human resources and specialization activities. In the 21st century they may survive through adequate strategies, most of them based on several pillars: innovation, tradition and adequate network.Agribusiness, Industrial Organization, Marketing,

    Fish Chain Performance in Madrid Market: An Empirical Analysis

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    Food chain analysis is becoming a useful instrument to increase efficiency. We focus the attention in the fish sector looking at the links from consumer to wholesalers in the region of Madrid. In order to get adequate information we developed face to face enquiries to the consumers, retailers and wholesalers. The analysis of the Madrid market give us a useful approach of the national and international sector, due to the fact that Mercamadrid is the biggest fish wholesale market in Europe, and the consumption in Madrid is representative in many ways of the Spanish market. Finally there are some conclusions and recommendations oriented toward the stakeholders.Fish, food chain, performance, competition, Agribusiness,

    Food market analysis: a case study of the Glocal methodology in the Dominican Republic

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    The present paper provides an insight into the food value chain of three specific sectors (fruit and vegetables, poultry and rice) in the Dominican Republic. The Glocal methodology used for the study combines a global view with local conditions and thus it can be applied to food markets. Each of these food chains is analyzed by following traditional industrial organization theory, based on structure, conduct and performance. Regarding the specific case of the Dominican Republic, different sources of information are used to analyze the weaknesses of the studied chains, including direct interviews. The food value chains of fruit and vegetables, poultry and rice in the Dominican Republic show a lack of structure and they are undergoing changes; however, they also have great opportunities to improve efficiency by making some changes

    Urban agriculture in the new framework of green cities.

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    Urban Agriculture was a common practice in the old times. However after a period of low interest by urban population there is a movement of renaissance of urban agriculture especially in the new megalopolis. It is important to understand the role of UA in the new framework, and the interface of urban and rural agricultures, with their comparative advantages. Thus, we describe the impact of UA in several scenarios: political, socioeconomic and environmental. As a consequence several actions should be developed for improving the situation, with the stimulus to UA: urban planning, food value chain, appropriate technology, education and extension services, entertainment and leisure, selection of botanic varieties and agrochemical inputs, design and landscape and good farming practices. As a complement, there is an analysis of the Urban Greening Value Organization in our society. In the paper there is a description of the situation of urban agriculture in Spain (located mainly in roofs, walls, indoor and ground places) the existence of local regulations, barriers and opportunities in the new situation. Due to the social dimension of urban agriculture there are some comments about the role of the more significant stakeholders, and the goals and the structure of the neighbor communities


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    Demand and Price Analysis, Livestock Production/Industries,

    El paper de la dona en el desenvolupament de les zones rurals

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    Las mujeres rurales son las principales productoras de alimentos y representan el 60% de la mano de obra agrícola. Sin embargo, sufren una doble marginación por ser mujeres y por ser rurales-, lo que no sólo es una merma de sus derechos, sino un factor de freno al desarrollo de sus sociedades: está generalmente admitido que la promoción de las mujeres es un poderoso factor de lucha contra la pobreza. Los microcréditos, en determinadas condiciones, son un instrumento eficaz para que las mujeres se conviertan en agentes económicos, mediante la puesta en marcha de actividades generadoras de riqueza.Les dones rurals són les principals productores d'aliments i representen el 60% de la mà d'obra agrícola. Tot i això, pateixen una doble marginació -per ser dones i per ser rurals-, el que no només és un minvament dels seus drets, sinó un factor de fre al desenvolupament de les seves societats: està generalment admès que la promoció de les dones és un poderós factor de lluita contra la pobresa. Els microcrèdits, en determinades condicions, són un instrument eficaç per a que les dones es converteixin en agents econòmics, mitjançant la posada en marxa d'activitats generadores de riquesa.Peer Reviewe

    La cadena de valor alimentaria: un enfoque metodológico

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    Los mercados alimentarios vienen experimentando fuertes convulsiones, lo que ocasiona serios problemas y, consecuentemente, una presión social para el logro de soluciones. La mejora de la transparencia y competitividad en el canal agricultor-consumidor estimula la realización de estudios objetivos que permitan hacer un buen diagnóstico y mejorar la situación. El trabajo describe una aproximación metodológica en base a la cadena de valor alimentaria y las relaciones funcionales entre los diversos eslabones. Dentro de los métodos de análisis, se hace especial énfasis en la organización sectorial (estructura, conducta y funcionamiento) y en el análisis de competitividad, proponiéndose algunas acciones a desarrollar

    Funcionamiento y transparencia en la cadena de valor: Aplicación al caso del aceite de oliva en España

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    El trabajo plantea un análisis del sector de aceite de oliva español, apoyándose en la metodología de cadena de valor, con especial énfasis en el funcionamiento y transparencia. Se hace una descripción de los aspectos más significativos genéricos al sistema alimentario, destacando la incidencia del proceso innovador y de la interacción transparencia eficiencia. Como resultado se exponen las características y problemática del funcionamiento de dicha cadena de valor. En los diversos apartados analizados, unido a la exposición teórica, se hacen referencias específicas a la cadena de valor de aceite de oliva en España y en ocasiones del caso específico andaluz. Con ello se intenta crear un marco de análisis utilizado en ciertos ámbitos euroamericanos con una visión práctica al sector del aceit

    Cooperación y desarrollo ante las nuevas tecnologías en el marco del siglo XXI

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    The subject of development cooperation occupies a special place in the framework of the new technologies and the social economy as it involves societies at different socio-economic levels which respond very differently to the adoption and assimilation of innovations. This study focuses on new types of development cooperation, considering the role of both traditional technologies and more modern ones such as information and communication or genetic engineering technologies. After a brief introduction to the current situation, development cooperation is analysed as a concept and from the point of view of trends over the years. We then focus on specific areas such as international trade, the food industry and aspects of technical collaboration within the wide range of possibilities that exist for socio-economic development.cooperation, development, technology, international trade, food industry, economy, new technologies.